Rent To Rent Service

Our newest service to private landlords is our Rent2Rent service. 

Private landlords are able to make a relatively comfortable income from their rental properties, but with this income there are a lot of responsibilities. From multiple legal an regulatory requirements before a tenant moves into the property, to maintenance and repairs and then even more requirements once they are in. 

We can help landlords enjoy their rental income and also much more of their time.

Landlord Issues We Offer
Complicated and expensive to find a suitable tenant. We become your tenant.
Multiple expenses before during and after tenancies We absorb all of the costs of finding new tenants, handling paperworks and dealing with deposits.
Confusing legal obligations Full understanding of the requirements of landlords. We comply with all requirements for residential tenants as we would become their landlord.
Expensive refurbishment When properties require refurbishment, we will complete this at no cost to the landlord.

Why Use This Service?

This service is invaluable to many private landlords. 
Commercial leases are much less regulated than residential tenancies which means that as our landlord, you would have much less responsibility. We agree to take on maintenance of your property for the duration of our lease. There are some exceptions to this, with both us and yourself being required to hold insurances for different areas.
We have relationships with local specialists in all trades meaning that our maintenance responsibilities will be met by qualified and experienced professionals ensuring your investment property remains in the best condition throughout our lease.

How does this Service work?

There is a very straight forward process to this service.

  • We view your property - the same as any other prospective tenant. 
  • We will complete a pre-tenancy inspection report - this is done with you or your agent present. This report details the condition of the property at the time of the inspection. Photographs will be taken to keep detailed reports. If any issues are found they will be documented on the report and an agreement will be made regarding the best way to resolve this issue.
  • We enter a period of negotiation regarding certain important elements of our agreement, the monthly rent and which one of us is responsible for what.
  • We sign a Commercial Lease Agreement with yourself - this is a tenancy agreement between a landlord and a company. It is not an Assured Shorthold Tenancy and has no deposit. This removes your legal responsibility to protect the deposit received. Our standard Lease Agreement is for 3 years.
  • We pay you your first months rent in advance - This becomes the end of your process. From here we will continue to pay your rent every month on the agreed date. We will go on to find suitable tenants for the property ourselves, following all legal and regulatory requirements along the way. We will protect any deposit we receive.
  • Our contracts indemnify you from any claim arising from our tenants rights as we will be their landlord.

Get in touch with us using the form below. Please include details of your property and it's location.